This Is Us

Kuopion taidelukio Lumit

Institut El Cairat

Szabo Lorinc Bilingual High School

Hak Bregenz

Our Team

Raija Räsänen

Marta Giner

Kati Lorincz

Alexandra Rösner

Our Project

What do we want to achieve by implementing the project?

We would like to enhance the cooperation among the members of the partner schools based on the understanding of cultural differences through literary realities that are to be found in chosen diverse genres of literary works. We aim to enhance students’ knowledge about the world and European heritage through literary while allowing them to exchange their reading preferences and encompass the problems young people face in the contemporary world.

What activities are we going to implement?

Knolling pictures of their favourite book- guessing game, on-stage-performances will be developed and produced by school students, online book clubs and reading challenges will be held, a choir performance and a singing concert will be held, semi-professionals videos will be done of various scenes played of the all the books involved.

What project results do we expect our project to have?

We expect to achieve an understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity so visible in changing
European realities affected by the war in Ukraine, the immigration of people, and the changes in
political scenes, to improve communication skills and alleviate the differences among underprivileged students, to focus on exchanging good practices and influencing local communities, to participate in local, regional, and national literary events, including book fairs and meetings with writers.

Our Project Topics

Our Goals

Our Sponsors

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Our Plans For The Future

Of December
Kick-Off Meeting

Of April
1st Student Mobility

Of October
2nd Student Mobility

Of December
3rd Student Mobility

Of May
4th Student Mobility

Of September
Final Project Meeting

Our Book Collection

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